Tuesday, April 23, 2013

killing the dragon

april 23rd is the best day of the year in catalonia

the legend says that sant jordi killed the dragon
and liberated the princess.

red roses emerged from the dragon's blood
and he gave a rose to her
and left forever

(no marriage. just arriving, killing the dragon, giving a rose and going away. he is the best hero of all legendary times)

enguany, intento matar el meu propi drac a nova york


  1. :O

    jo sempre he explicat que es casaven i eren feliços com anissos!

    1. de debò? ostres! si a mi el que més m'agradava del conte era que sant jordi donava la rosa i feia un petó la princesa i després havia de marxar de la vil·la per fer el seu camí pel món matant dracs i el que fes falta!
